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Metal education

Types of Metals

There are several factors to consider when choosing the right metal for your fine jewelry purchase. In addition, there are two types of metal used in jewelry making precious metal and alternative metal.

  • First, precious metal family includes gold and silver.
  • Second, the alternative metals include platinum and palladium.
  • Lastly, Each type has its own distinct characteristics that make it suitable for different purposes and applications.

Precious Metal

Precious metals are rare, valuable and historically important. They have been used for years by human civilizations and are extremely valuable. Therefore, they have a high value due to their rarity and industrial use, as well as their roles throughout history. Silver, Gold and Platinum are the most prized among these precious metals.

Alternative Metal

Titanium, Cobalt Chrome and Ceramic are the most popular alternative metals used as wedding bands in the jewellery industry. These metals are also used for men's engagement and wedding rings as well as for any other type of jewellery. A variety of alternative metals has also been used in necklace designs as well as in chains.

Precious Metals Available At Nivetta

White Gold

The most preferred metal for engagement rings, white gold is a stunning and well-liked option for settings. Accordingly, Diamond studio provides 14K and 18K white gold. While 18K white gold is composed of 75% gold and 25% other metals. Whereas, 14K gold is made up of 58.5 percent gold (nickel, zinc, etc). Although, far less costly, white gold has the same general appearance as platinum. On the diamond colour scale, diamonds rated D–I complement each other well because white gold brings out the shine and brilliance of the stone.

Yellow Gold

Yellow Gold is the most widely used metal in diamond rings due in part to the fact that gold is yellow in its natural condition. Likewise, the quantity of pure gold in the alloy determines the hue of the yellow gold used in fine jewelry, which is often alloyed with silver and copper. Above all, gold has the benefit of not corroding, tarnishing, or rusting, so it will always look beautiful. Meanwhile, gold is also more “flexible” than the other precious metals despite its strength.


Only a few, specific areas in the planet have platinum, which is a rare and expensive metal. In contrast to 1,500 tones of gold, the output of platinum is around 160 tones per year worldwide. Consequently,  the price of platinum is higher than that of the other precious metals for this reason. Specially, platinum’s beauty and durability have contributed to its recent growth in popularity. Therefore, platinum is a popular option for engagement ring settings because of its rich, even colour and gloss, which accentuate the sparkle and brilliance of diamonds placed in the metal.

Rose Gold 

The warm, reddish hue of rose gold, a popular gold and copper alloy used for specialist jewellery, makes it highly sought-after. In addition, rose gold is often referred to as red gold, pink gold, and occasionally as Russian gold due to its prominence in Russia in the mid-1800s. For instance, the amount of copper in red, rose, and pink gold differs from one another. Moreover, the red tint of gold is more obvious the more copper there is in it. Apparently, pure copper is reddish, and pure gold is a rich, deep yellow. In short, depending on each particular piece’s makeup, rose gold has a tint anywhere between the two.

Alternative Metals Available At Nivetta


Titanium is a fantastic material for anyone who has a metal allergy because it is strong, light, and hypoallergenic. Compared to platinum or white gold, titanium has a somewhat deeper tint. Typically, titanium is machined from a single piece of metal due to its endurance (which is why it cannot be used for engagement ring prongs, for example). Furthermore, brushed, polished, and hammered finishes are just a few of the numerous options available for titanium rings.


The popularity of ceramic rings has increased due to its toughness, affordability, and variety of hues. Specially, black ceramic wedding rings are the most common colour and provide a modern and distinctive appearance for a wedding band. Because ceramic jewelry can be made in a wide range of forms and sizes, it is also incredibly adaptable.

Cobalt Chrome

Cobalt and chromium are combined to create cobalt chrome, an alloy. Significantly, Cobalt chrome has the benefit of being resistant to corrosion, abrasion, and chipping. More  importantly, cobalt chromium is incredibly malleable and simple to deal with at the same time. Lastly, the hypoallergenic properties of cobalt chromium make it a fantastic choice for anybody with sensitive skin, to finish.

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